Here's a growing collection of videos that others have filmed as well as (upcoming) some of our own.

What is True North interview with MCATTelevision (10:19)
Stay tuned for new videos to be posted regularly!
A collection of podcasts where we've been interviewed.

“What is Direct Primary Care Medicine?”
from the Healthy.Wealthy. People. podcast.
Recorded January 4, 2023
NOTE: We apologize; there are a few bad words in this that are out of our control.
Stay tuned for new podcasts to be posted regularly!
Newspaper Articles
Including both local and national publications.

Bitterroot Star
December 20, 2022
“True North Direct Primary Care opens in Hamilton”
true north direct primary care
Enjoy a healthier life with peace of mind knowing you have access to care whenever needed.
Enroll today for better health care at a fraction of the cost of your insurance.
It’s healthcare that is easily available and personalized.
Unlimited primary care – see us once or see us hundreds of times for no additional cost.